Our teaching resources are designed to help pastors and leaders as they study, preach, and teach God’s Word. The material is designed to be easy-to-understand and easy-to-use. This means these resources can be used by pastors and leaders who have not been able to attend Bible school.

Our six-part Developing Leaders Workshop curriculum uses pictures and simple graphics to teach important biblical concepts. This curriculum covers all of the section in the Bible between Genesis and Revelation. It is designed to be easy-to-understand and easy-to-use. This means it can be used by pastors and leaders who have not been able to attend Bible school. But this doesn’t mean this curriculum is simplistic. It is intended to teach rich biblical theology. It is useful for all pastors and leaders.

The New Testament Letters
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

A Preacher’s Guide is not an overview. Instead, these books focus on one book of the Bible or on one portion of one book of the Bible. For instance, the Preacher’s Guide on Genesis focuses on Genesis 1-4. The Preacher’s Guides are intended to be like a trusted pastor sitting next to you as you read God’s Word. The goal is teach what the text is teaching in each verse. The Preacher’s Guides also bring the reader to other passages in the Bible teaching the same themes. The notes can be a great help to pastors preparing sermons or Sunday School teachers preparing lessons.

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