Here are 5 Ways We Can Work Together:

Use the materials from the website.

You have permission to download, print, copy, and distribute the materials found on this website.

Request a team.

It is our joy to work with leaders from local churches in many places—especially churches in areas where theological training is difficult to receive. If you are part of a local church leadership team and would like to explore receiving a team in your area, please contact us.

Translate materials.

There is only one true gospel. However, the church of Jesus Christ is scattered across the world. Because of this, there is a need for materials to be translated into many languages. If you are faithfully serving the Lord in your home church, are gifted in languages and in writing, and you would like to help translate materials found on these pages into your language, please contact us.


When possible, it is a great help to send teams to teach these materials to local church leaders in person. This normally requires more than one trip to an area. If you are faithfully serving the Lord in your home church and you would like to go and teach these materials to church leaders in areas requesting help, please contact us. 


There are many costs associated with bringing God’s good words and care to his people. We have administrative costs, costs to develop, translate, host, and print materials. We also have travel expenses and costs associated with hosting training seminars in various locations. Beyond this, we joyfully partner with local churches extending physical care to those in need. If you are faithfully giving to your local church and would like to partner with us in bringing God’s words and care to his people, please consider a one-time or monthly gift.

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